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Well not really because vietnamese people use letters/words like "cái nhà" which means house, and Chinese use characters like "房子" meaning house in Chinese. Also over a thousand years ago there was a war of China against Vietnam and China won. Even though Chinese migrated to Vietnam. but the Chinese they will attack Chinese vietnamese. if the Chinese vietname did not obey their willing.

Don't call Vietnamese people are Chinese. Vietnamese people is from Yue clans. A lot people thought we're from China because the Han wages war and invaded our land, and we were pushed to the south. Our original land was in somewhere near Guan Xi. The 1st wave of Han came to Yue Nan was Zhou Tuo as we were under 1 kingdom named Nan Yue. ( same as Qin dynasty, a lot of kingdoms were under Qing Shi Huang Di control )

You can't explain it that way for languages. For example we have the same words for gia đình (家庭 - jiā tíng) with almost the same pronunciation for family.

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Q: Are Vietnamese people really just Chinese people that migrated to Vietnam?
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