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Yes. On the 20th October 2008 Aberdeen Employment Judge Hosie delivered the critical and long overdue ruling in the case of MacLennan v Gypsy Traveller Education and Information Project (S/132721/07) Summing up he said "Having satisfied ourselves, therefore, that the two main characteristics set out by Lord Fraser in Mandla v Dowell & Lee (1983) 1 All ER 1062, House of Lords, were satisfied and that the other non-essential characteristics were satisfied in varying degrees, we arrived at the view that Scottish Gypsy Travellers have 'ethnic origins', with reference in particular to Section 3 (1) of the 1976 (Race Relations) Act and that they, therefore, enjoy the protection of the Act"

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Q: Are Scottish Gypsy Travellers an recognised ethnic minority group?
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Use ethnic in a sentence?

There are many ethnic groups in Europe.He was part of an ethnic minority.

What is an ethnic minority found in almost all countries in Europe?


Will white people be minorities one day?

Whites will become the minority sometime between 2040 and 2050. In 2011, ethnic births outnumbered white births (50.4%). For the first time in history, ethnic children are a majority and white children are a minority.

How are the ethnic groups different from each other?

A minority group is a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group have over theirs. The number of people in a group does not necessarily determine its status as a social minority. Sociologist define a minority group with the concern of the economic and political power, or powerlessness, of that group. An example of a minority group in America are homosexuals, or Muslims. Neither group is properly represented politically, or economically, and both groups have issues with certain rights such as the right to marry in some states for homosexuals. "Ethnic" which derives from the Greek word "ethnos" pertains to culture. An ethnic group is a cultural group. They are distinguished by language, customs, cuisine, modes of dress and so on. In most countries there is one dominant majority culture, and members of that group are an ethnic group to be sure. However, it is also common to find countries where there are minority ethnic groups, to whom the majority ethnic group often shows great hostility. Also in places like America, ethnic groups can be composed of several different minority groups. In our "melting pot" we have Black Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and so on that all compose of one big ethnic group.

Are Asians considered an ethnic minority group in the US?

Yes, they are not the majority of the US population, so they therefor have to be a minority. Yes, they are; however, considering Asians are around 58% of the worlds population they shouldn't be by any means.

Related questions

What are the major ethnic groups in Britain?

Major Ethnic groups are Irish people, English people, Scottish people, and Welsh people. These were the prehistoric settlements. Now there are many other minority ethnic groups resulting from the mass immigration in the last few decades. == ==

Use ethnic in a sentence?

There are many ethnic groups in Europe.He was part of an ethnic minority.

When was Ethnic Minority Party of New Zealand created?

Ethnic Minority Party of New Zealand was created in 1996.

What does BME mean black minority ethnic or black multi racial equality?

BME stands for Black and Minority Ethnic.

Is ethnic a noun?

The word ethnic can be a noun as in an ethnic minority. It is primarily used as an adjective.

What ethnic group does BME stand for?

BME: Black and Minority Ethnic

What is the largest ethnic minority in Britain?

The largest ethnic minority group in Britain is the Black African and Black Caribbean community.

What is is an ethnic minority found in almost all countries in Europe?

The largest ethnic minority found in most European countries would be African.

Which person belonged to an ethnic minority?

People who are considered to be ethnic minorities are those in which differ from the normal social group. For example, an ethnic minority in Chicago, IL might be Koreans or Japanese.

What are the top three ethnic groups of Scotland?

Scottish, British (not Scottish), and Polish are the top three ethnic groups in Scotland.

What are minority groups?

The term minority group refers to any religious or ethnic group that is in a minority in a wider society.

What is the largest ethnic minority in Bulgaria?
