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Genraly most Military experts and books say the British S.A.S & S.B.S are the best special forces in the world. It makes sence realy as the British S.A.S & S.B.S are the most copied Military in the world copied by 27 diffrent countries across the world, the majority of other special forces in the world are based and were first trained by the British S.A.S. British S.A.S are also the worlds first special forces.

They train in every aspect of warfare in every terrain & condition,there training is still hailed as the toughest longest training on earth with the highest drop out rate of any Military,every 1000 candidates that get selected for selection only 2-4 will make the grade. To make selection to try out for the S.A.S you cannot volunteer like the majority of other regiments,you have to be British and served atleast 3years in some form of military regiment, i.e a large portion are already Senior Royal Marines,adding credit to the theory of the S.A.S selection being tough,if only 2-4 already senior soldiers make it past the selection phase. For the small minority that make the grade and pass selection there nightmare is only just starting as its on to many years of hard trainning,being tortured,and even one of the very few regiments to use live ammunition during training.

With 27 diffrent countries copying and basing there military on the S.A.S, the S.A.S also helps train the poorest of these countries and cross trains with the richest,giving the S.A.S an advantage over other militarys as they are teaching and learning for/from 27 diffrent countries meaning they soak up more knowledge than anyother military from around the world. Also the fact that the S.A.S & S.B.S are made up of already senior soldiers from other regiments, i.e some could of previously been a Royal Marine,some could of been a senior member of the Air Force,some could of been a senior member of the Navy e.t.c e.t.c, this makes the S.A.S & S.B.S very vercatile adding experts and there skills from all forms of military into one group then making them S.A.S & S.B.S special forces to boot.

yes, they are

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7y ago

The opinions on what nation has the best "Special Forces" organization vary. Certainly the evidence of why the Navy Seals are often mentioned is due to their well publicized exploits. Whether the assault on Bin Laden's compound to handling Somalian pirates, many believe the Seals are the best. Also, Israel has a good special forces unit as well.

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Q: Are Navy Seals the best fighting force in the world?
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Im sorry that your retarted... They are not at all similar and the navy seals can take down anything or anyone. Stupid british turd.

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Did navy seals serve in world war 1?

The Navy SEALs did not exist until the 1940's after World War II.