The racial classification of people is similar to the RGB classification of colors. That is, we cannot say about ordinary natural colors that they are pure "red" or "blue" or something like that. And it would be correct to say that this flower is 80% red, 15% green and 5% blue.
The racial "colors" are "Baltic", "Equatorial" and "Asian". It seems that Sicilians are about 90% Baltic + 10% Equatorial + 0% Asian
Yes. Germans are considered white and Caucasian.
Caucasians are a broad group of people typically characterized by light skin, originating from the Caucasus region in Europe and Asia. The term is often used to describe individuals of European descent.
Individuals of Caucasian descent typically have light skin, straight or wavy hair, and a variety of eye colors. They may also have a prominent nose bridge and narrow facial features. Additionally, Caucasians are more likely to develop conditions such as skin cancer due to their lighter skin pigmentation.
European Caucasians are genetically closer to Asians than Africans. Studies have shown that Europeans and Asians share closer genetic similarities due to shared ancestry and historical migrations, while Africans are more genetically diverse from both groups.
There is only one race of Homo sapiens in the world, which is the human race. While there are different ethnicities and cultures within the human population, all humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens.
No, Sicilians do not have any African in them. Sicilians are genetically the same as other Italians.
Sicilians are famous for many things like -food -wine -people -Mafia
Italian Naturally it is Sicilian and Sicilians like to be called Sicilians they do not consider themselves Italian though Italy owns Sicily.
There is no patron saint of caucasians.
caucasians are just white people.
Nope, unless you are referring to recent immigrants from Africa into Sicily. Ethnic Sicilians do not have any African ancestry and are the same as other Italians.
Incorrect Sicily it Part of Italy and therefore Sicilians are also Italians.
Lee cah tuh
Sicilians are Italian,Blessed be! )O(
I am a Caucasian, and I have faced prejudice from non-Caucasians a few times, so I can safely assume that other Caucasians have faced some sort of prejudice as well. In my case, I think it was "revenge" for the prejudice of Caucasians in the past.
You can see it by going to the related link below
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