

Are Greek Gods still Worshipped

Updated: 8/22/2023
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14y ago

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Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

Yes, its called Christianity.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Yes, more than 95% of Greeks are Orthodox Christians.

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14y ago

yes in Greece

Wrong: The religion is called Hellenismos and the religion is practiced around the world.

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14y ago

Yes, as silly as it seems in this day and age, a lot of Greek people believe in God. Can you believe it?! Don't you just wish people would use their common sense sometimes?

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12y ago

Yes, its called Christianity.

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How were the Ancient Greek gods worshipped?

In their temples.

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What cities Worshipped What Greek gods?

Athens was Athena

Where were the ancient greek gods worshipped?

The Mediterranean area.

Why did the Greek worship the gods?

For the exactly the same reasons gods are worshipped today

When did the greek gods get worshipped?

They have been worshiped in one form or another since about 1000 BCE and are still worshiped today.

Did the Greeks worship the Greek gods?

The Greek worshipped many gods, which all had superhuman powers but also human emotions and weaknesses.

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There is no Greek god of IT (information technology) because IT did not exist when the Ancient Greeks worshipped their Greek gods.

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All of the mortals who practiced polytheism on the Greek gods and goddesses.

What language did greek gods speak?

The ancient Greek gods were believed to speak Greek, the language of the people who worshipped them. This is because Greek mythology and religious texts, such as the Homeric epics, were written in Greek.