It's a good thing:) Who ever said it was a good thing they were lying it's a bad thing God make girls for guys and guys for girls and that's that
The ottoman empire in the middle east captured the important trading city of constantinpole. This gave the turs control of the middle east and they closed the trade routes to asia. now there was no way for eurpeans to get asian good. why the were stelling good from asia.
I'm not sure what you mean. Brutus' mother was Julius Caesar's mistress, that is, they were lovers.
Not all Southwest Asian countries are part of OPEC but over half of OPEC's membership comes from Southwest Asia and a good number of Southwest Asian countries are OPEC members.
Julius Caesar and Mark Antony were Cleopatra's lovers.
Some are. Some aren't.
That depends on the appearances of the asian girls. Overall, they are really good to date with.
they had work done
Why should it be weird? Girls are girls, wherever they come from, and Asian girls can be especially rewarding.
Yes, it depends who though. Some Asian guys only want to date Asian women, but lots of Asian guys do date half Asian girls. (i am a half Asian girl and my boyfriend is Asian)
Really? No one likes a lazy person. To impress a woman, Asian or not, you better show her you are a good worker.
No, however most do prefer to date Asian girls because they are the same race. Also for guys Asian girls WILL date people other than Asians too
Be faithful.
Do you mean 'Do girls remember their ex-lovers?' Yes, it is almost impossible for a girls to forget the guys that she has been with. Unless she is trying to push the memories away because it was a bad experience
They are very good lovers when they want to be! Unfortunately, they get lazy.
It depends on what kind of person they are.