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The amendments were the Bill of Rights. The anti-federalists feared a strong government would limit civil liberties and wanted guarantees written into the constitution.

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Q: Another compromise was reached during ratificationthe federalists agreed to support a series of amendments to the Constitutionwhat were the amendments and why did the anti federalist think they wer?
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What was the compromise made between federalists and anti federalists to ratify the constitution in 1788?

The Federalists compromised and agreed to add the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments), which was ratified in 1791.

Why were the first ten amendments to the constitution?

The first ten amendments were added to the Constitution because the Antifederalists didn't trust the government and didn't think they would give them rights! Basically, the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.

Why the first ten amendments were added to the Constitution?

The first ten amendments were added to the Constitution because the Antifederalists didn't trust the government and didn't think they would give them rights! Basically, the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.

What compromise did the Federalist make to get enough states to ratify the Constitution?

The Federalists compromised and agreed to add the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments), which was ratified in 1791.

Why Bill of Rights was added to the constitution?

It was added as a compromise between those that supported ratification of the Constitution, called Federalists, and those that were opposed to ratification, called Anti-federalists. Anti-federalists agreed to support ratification of the Constitution if the Bill of Rights was added later, which is why the Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

What compromise persuaded anti-federalists to ratify the constitution?

The Missouri Compromise.

What compromise persuaded anti federalists to ratify constitution?

The Missouri Compromise.

How was the Bill of Rights a compromise?

Federalists were in favor of the Constitution but anti-federalists were not because they were in fear of losing their rights. Congress included the Bill of Rights as a compromise to satisfy both parties. The compromise is commonly called the "Massachusetts Compromise"

What constitution persuaded Anti Federalists to ratify the Constitution?

The Missouri Compromise.

Why do we have the amendments?

The First Amendment (known as the Bill of Rights) was a compromise between Federalist states and Anti-Federalist states, therefore allowing the new Constitution to be passed. Anti-Federalist wanted rights and restrictions to be put on the Constitution because there was no guarantee to them. Federalists argued that the rights listed were implied. Obviously the Anti-Federalists got what they wanted.

Where did the first 10 amendments come from?

The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution was written to limit the power given to the Federal Government and grant more sovereignty to the states. It was added as a compromise ensuring the Anti-Federalists would ratify the Constitution.

How did the federalists feel about the commerce compromise?

Anti-Federalists only approved the commerce compromise after it was guaranteed that the SouthÕs exports would not be taxed and that Congress would not ban the slave trade for twenty years. The Anti-Federalists were against the national government having so much control over commerce.