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Q: Animal bodies contain a great deal of what?
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How does Great Britain deal with death?

The bodies of people who die in Great Britain are buried or cremated.

Where can you find a great deal on those sillybandz animal bracelets?

you can find them at Walmart and at the mall.

Where can I find an animal Halloween costume online?

There are a great deal of websites that offer cute, affordable animal costumes for a reasonable price. Try, it has great deals.

If a Rock formation contain a great deal of iron exposure to water will cause the rock to crumble .why?


Does chocalate contain any uric acid?

No chocolate is low in purines and therefore does not produce a great deal of uric acid,

Why do animals require food for survival?

Animal locomotion uses a great deal of energy and food is used as fuel.

What does it mean when a guy gives his girlfriend a stuffed animal?

It simply means that the guy cares a great deal about his girlfriend.

What animal chatter?

a monkey.

What is the habitat of the marten?

The marten is an animal of northern forests, where it spends a great deal of time in the trees, in pursuit of birds and squirrels.

Are there any sites that offer free coupons?

Groupon and wowcher are the best for deals, and they also contain coupons., and only contain coupons and can save you a great deal of money.

Does Italy grow corn?

Yes, a great deal of corn, but not for human consumption. Corn is grown in Italy only for animal feed.

Could dairy products weaken the immune system?

Definately not. They contain a great deal of vitamins wich is exactly what you need to build up your immunesystem.