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The founder of India's ancient Mauryan had been defeated but spared by Alexander, and set out to conquer the Nanda.

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Q: Analyze the effect of Chandragupta Maurya's defeat of the nanda ruler?
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What effect did the defeat of the Boxer Rebellion have on China'?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,

What effect did the boxer defeat of the Boxer Rebellion have on China?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,

What was the effect of the Italian unification?

Some of the terre irredente did not, however, join the Kingdom of Italy until ... Following the defeat of Napoleonic France, the Congress of Vienna (1815).

How did geography help defeat Napoleon at Waterloo?

Geography had little effect except that Wellington had selected the battlefield and controlled strategic high ground and the few available man made areas that could be used as strongpoints.

What is Art Criticism method?

1. Describe - Observe the time period, artist, type of art, major events that correspond to the art, literal interpretation of the piece of art, descriptions of colors, shapes and edges, the lines and types of lines, textures, overall effect and emotions associated with the art piece 2. Analyze - Analyze the usage of color, lines shapes, and emotions and what the intended effect is, why shapes and colors were used, how is it meant to emotionally effect the viewer? How were the intended effects achieved? 3. Interpretation - Ask yourselves questions such as what was the intended meaning? Does it effect you the way it was intended by the artist? Was symbolism used in the piece? Why did the artist chose this method and why did the artist create this work? 4. Judgement - Try to objectively consider everything you've already concluded and decide what you think the intrinsic value is? The emotional affect it will have on others, was it poorly focused? It the meaning not apparent?

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What effect did the defeat of the Boxer Rebellion have on China'?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,

What effect the defeat of the Boxer Rebellion have on china?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,

What is the meaning of cause and effect hypothesis?

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What effect the defeat of the Boxer Rebellion have one China?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,

What effect did the defeat of the boxer rebellion have one china?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,