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Workers who organized could negotiate for better working conditions.

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Q: An increasing number of industrial workers joined U.S. labor unions during the late 19th century because?
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What improved the conditions of the industrial workers in England during 19th century?

The factory act improved the conditions of industrial workers in England during the 19th Century. The act regulated the working conditions of workers. But most factory owners ignored these act till later.

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Eugene V. Debs founded the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and was a five-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. Debs was a prominent labor organizer and advocate for workers' rights in the early 20th century.

How is a life of a industrial worker in 21 century?

Depends on where they are. Industrial workers in countries that had industrialized more than a century ago have an okay life in the upper lower or lower middle class. In countries just entering industrialization, life ain't great.

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The industrial revolution increased the demand for workers because they had created more jobs.

Are northern industrial tools still in demand?

Yes, Northern industrial tools are still in demand, simply because many workers enjoy working with them and enjoys the quality of these tools. Many workers are always in search of Northern industrial tools.

When was Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum created?

Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum was created in 1983.