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helped pave the way for a later all-out offensive

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Q: Allied bombing of Germany in 1942 changed the war because it?
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Why did Allied forces find so much destruction when they finally reached Germany?

The allied air force strategic bombing campaign thoroughly devastated Germany.

Where was Italy during the bombing of pearl harbor?

in italy. italy was an ally of germany, as Mussolini was allied with Hitler. Italy was not allied with the US.

How did allied bombing of Germany in 1942 change the war?

it helped pave the way for a later all-out offensive

Was Germany the strongest nation after world war 2?

After WWII, Germany was defeated, bankrupt, and mostly a pile of rubble from Allied bombing raids.

Forest of Compiegne railway carriage?

The car was transported to Germany after the French surrendered where it was later destroyed by allied bombing.

How did General Grant's policies on raids compare to the Allied bombing of Germany in World War 2?

Some historians see that Grant's raids against Southern communications were similar to one of the principal objectives of strategic bombing in WW 2. Perhaps the truly successful part of Allied bombing of Germany in WW 2 was the Allied attack on German railroads. One significant difference was that Grant's raids on Southern railways was not intended to terrorize Southern civilians. Allied bombing of Germany in the middle of WW 2 not only were designed to destroy rail links but to bring terror to German civilians. Curiously the railway bombings failed to destroy rail links that transported Jews to the Nazi death camps.

Is Germany still affected by World War 2 today?

Many parts of Germany were completely or majoritarily destroyed by Allied Bombing Raids or the invasion forces in 1944 and 1945. Most notably, Dresden was firebombed a such strong way that it has been described by some as an Allied War Crime. Of course, the Allied Bombing Raids were a result of the German-caused World War 2, but German civilians and cities still suffered.

What are the alli and central powers of World War 1?

Allied forces- Great Britain, France, Russia Central (so named because they were in the center of Europe)- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy which later changed sides to the Allied forces.

Allied bombing of nagasaki?

The allies did not participate in the bombing of Nagasaki. President Truman took all the responsible.

Allied powers defeat Germany?

No they did not because they were juts not strong enough.

Why did Britain plus France decide not to come to an agreement with Russia?

Initially they did not come to an agreement with Russia because Russia had allied with Germany. Russia was attacked and changed their alliance with the Allied Forces. So they became part of the Big Three: US, USSR and UK.