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after the Vietnam War

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Q: After which world war was veterans day made an offcial holiday?
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After which war was veterans day made an official holiday?

After which war was veterans day made official holiday

Which president made Thinkgiving an offcial holiday?

Abraham Lincoln on October 3, 1863.

What war was before Veterans Day that made Veterans Day an official holiday?

World War 1 ended on November 11, 1918. In 1919, President Wilson proclaimed it an official holiday. It became Veterans day in 1954.

Who made Veterans Day a holiday?

President Eisenhower was the one who made Veterans Day a national Holiday. The holiday is for all past and present members of the United States Armed Forces.

Declared national holiday in 1938 this holiday was declared to remembering veterans of world war 1?

Franklin Roosevelt made Armistice Day a national holiday in 1938.

Who suggested Veterans Day to be a special day?

Veterans' Day was originally called Armistice Day, in celebration of the armistice that ended World War I. Woodrow Wilson was the US President then, but no one in particular started the holiday. Everybody involved celebrated.

When did armistice day become a federal holiday?

Armistice Day was officially recognized as a holiday honoring World War I veterans in 1919 by Woodrow Wilson. However, November 11 was made a legal holiday by Congress in 1938. It is known as a day set aside to honor our veterans of all wars.

Which national holiday was made in 1938?

veterans day but it was called armistice day before the name was changed in veterans day

After what war was veterans day made an official holiday?


How did veterans day became veterans day?

dureing the war 2 they lost alot of people dureing tha war so they made a holiday for the familys that they lost

Who celebrates Veteran's Day?

Every one clebrates Veteran's day.I have a few relatives who fought in wars.But they are veterans now.Dwight Eisenhower made veteran's day a holiday in 1954. He signed a bill passed by congress. There would be no way for Eisenhower not to sign it because he was a veteran himself.

The bonus Army was made up of people from what group?

World War 1 veterans