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Q: After the establishment of the Commonwealth of England Oliver Cromwell was granted the title of?
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Who wasnt a monarch but ruled England as a military dictator?

Oliver Cromwell ruled England after the Second English Civil War until his death.. After end of the war and the execution of the King in 1649, a republic was declared, known as the "Commonwealth of England" with Cromwell granted extensive powers that effectively made him ruler of England. Although he had plenty of challenges to his authority and continued to fight battles against those who wanted a King back, he maintained power until he died in 1658.

What was the Government of the Massachusetts colony?

Massachusetts is a commonwealth. they had town meetings and theocacy.

What famous Russian author was granted political asylum in England in 1971?

The Russian writer that was granted political asylum in England in 1971 was Kuznetsov.

What major events in 1948 in Britain?

In 1948, Britain's major events included the establishment of the National Health Service (NHS) on July 5th, the London Olympics being held for the first time after World War II, and the enactment of the British Nationality Act, which granted British nationality to citizens of the Commonwealth countries.

Who granted all the freemen in the magna carta?

King John of England granted the Magna Carta to all the freemen.

What were the land grants called in England?

England referred to granted land as a fief under the control of a baron.

In what year was the Philippines granted commonwealth status?

The Philippines, a possession of the United States since 1899, became a Commonwealth under US jurisdiction on November 15, 1935, with full independence scheduled for 10 years from that date.

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Who was the British King that granted land for Maryland?

King Charles I of England.

Where did the Amish come from and how did they come to settle in Pennsylvania?

The Amish came from southern Germany and northern Switzerland and were persecuted in the 17th century. They settled in Pennsylvania, because William Penn, who was granted Pennsylvania by the king of England, wanted to establish a commonwealth with religious freedom. He urged the Amish to come to his land.

What is the Establishment of federal power and supremacy over the states?

No state established law may superceed the rights granted by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In Anglo saxon England a man granted land by the king?

Thegn or Thayn