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The british kept taxes on tea.

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After the Boston Massacre, all of the Townshend Acts were repealed except for the tax on tea. This led to widespread anger and opposition, eventually culminating in the Boston Tea Party in 1773.

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Q: After the Boston massacre all townshend acts were repealed except what?
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What incident lead Parliament to withdraw nearly all of the Townshend acts?

The Boston Massacre in 1770 prompted Parliament to repeal most of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea.

What incident led parliament to withdraw nearly all of the Townsend Acts?

The Boston Massacre in 1770 prompted Parliament to repeal most of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea.

Who was affected by the Boston massacre?

After the Boston massacre was the Boston Tea Party/ tea act. They repealed all of the unpopular taxes on the colonists except tax on tea. That led into the Boston Tea party which began in 1773. Hope it helps you out!

What did townshend duties have to do with the Revolutionary War?

The Townshend Acts of 1767 put taxes on imports of glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. The colonists reacted by boycotting the imports, so England eventually repealed the acts, except for the tax on tea. Later, the tax on tea led to the Tea Act of 1773, leading to the Boston Tea Party, and eventually the war.

What did the townshend Act do?

Four acts of the British Parliament in 1767 that imposed duties on the import of paint, glass, paper, lead, and tea to the North American colonies. The acts also called for quartering of British troops in the colonies. Though eventually repealed (except for the tax on tea), the acts were the source of resentment and led to the famous charge of "taxation without representation" and directly to the Boston massacre. The act that placed duties on tea, paper, lead, paint, etc., imported into the American colonies.

Related questions

What incident lead Parliament to withdraw nearly all of the Townshend acts?

The Boston Massacre in 1770 prompted Parliament to repeal most of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea.

How did the colonist respond to the Act?

protested-then the Boston massacre happened and it was repealed except on tea

What incident led parliament to withdraw nearly all of the Townsend Acts?

The Boston Massacre in 1770 prompted Parliament to repeal most of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea.

Who was affected by the Boston massacre?

After the Boston massacre was the Boston Tea Party/ tea act. They repealed all of the unpopular taxes on the colonists except tax on tea. That led into the Boston Tea party which began in 1773. Hope it helps you out!

How did the Townshend Act happen?

This happened after the Boston Massacre so the Boston Masscre caused the townshend act to occur...

Lord north repealed all of the townshend acts except the what act?

The tea act

What incident led parliament to withdraw nearly all the Townsend Acts?

The Boston Massacre in 1770 prompted Parliament to repeal most of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea.

What were the results of American protest in the early 1770's?

Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts,except for the duty on tea

What did the British Parliament do to address the grievances of the colonists?

All provisions of the Townshend Act are repealed, except for the duty on tea.

What series of event linked the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party?

The British taxes on goods created hard feelings between the British and colonists. British soldiers panicked during a protest and caused the Boston Massacre. The British repealed all taxes except the one on tea in an effort to prove to the colonists that they had the power to tax the colonies. The colonists protested and caused the Boston Tea Party.

Why did the Parliament repeal the townshend acts?

The Townshend Acts were repealed because the boycotts the colonists did, worked and so the trades with England dropped. [England needed more money because of the French and Indian War ] So, Parliament repealed it. I think they took off evey single tax and only kept the tea being taxed .

How did the colonist respond to the townshend act?

They boycotted the British imports