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Q: After France sold the Louisiana Territory to the US which European countries were the remaining colonial powers in North America?
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What European countries controlled the Louisiana territory until the 1800's?

Britain ,France

What European countries controlled the Louisiana Territory up until 1800?

France controlled the Louisiana territory until 1803. The United States paid France a total of 15 million dollars for the territory.

Which European country controlled the territory of Louisiana?


What European country did the us buy the Louisiana territory from?


What Napoleon sold the US this territory in order to finance his European war?

Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the US to finance his European War.

Who owned the Louisiana Territory before Spain?

Before the advent of the Spanish the territory was unclaimed by any European power.

Who did Lewis and Clark buy the Louisiana territory from?

The famous explorers, Lewis and Clark, did not in fact buy the Louisiana Territory. Rather, it was the American government, led by President Thomas Jefferson, that purchased Louisiana from the European nation of France in 1803.

What were the circumstances that forced napoleon to sell the Louisiana Territory?

He needed cash to continue his European War.

Napoleon was willing to sell the Louisiana territory because he?

Needed cash to continue his European War.

What was one reason Napoleon Bonaparte sold the Louisiana Territory?

He needed the cash to continue his European War.

What countries gained the most territory in Africa?

The countries that gained t he most territory in Africa were European countries. Countries like Great Britain and France took over much of Africa.

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The waycongress planned to govern the Northweat Territory differ fomr the way Spain and other European countries governed their Amercian territory, was that the congress