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His generals split up the empire and formed their own kingdoms (today we call them the Hellenistic Kingdoms).

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Q: After Alexander the Great died why did his empire fall apart?
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What did Alexander The Great empire fall apart after his death?

After his death his generals divided the empire and began to fight over their shares.

What were short term effects of Alexander the Great's reign?

The most noted short term effect of Alexander the Greats reign was the unity of his empire. Before his death the empire spread from Greece to Egypt, but quickly broke apart after he died.

How did Alexander the great lose his empire?

Alexander the Great died at the age of 33 because of a fever and because he died no leaders in his empire were strong enough to take control so it later fell apart after a few years According to legend, on his deathbed Alexander said he left his empire "to the Strongest". This led to the division of the Empire amongst his various generals as no actual successor was named. Therefore, although Alexander didn't actually 'lose' his empire, per se, he was indirectly responsible for it's disintegration.

Before Alexander the Great died who had he conquered?

The Persian Empire.

Who did Alexander the great name the empire to go when he died?


How did the defeat of Alexander the Great change the cultures of the conquered lands?

Alexander died or was assassinated at the age of 32. His generals divided his empire amongst themselves, and whereas Alexander had wanted to convert his empire to Greek culture, apart from the ruling Macedonian upper class, the various peoples continued on with their own cultures.

What made up the empire of Alexander the Great?

Before his death the empire was in great hands. He taught the empire how to rule and he was a great army leader that's y his empire always won. He also had great soldiers who didn't want 2 listen 2 him but did because they wanted to win. But after Alexander the Great died, the empire fell apart. The land was split into 3 lands by his commanders. So you c, Alexander was a great person.

Who was seleucus?

Seleucus is one of the generals of Alexander the Great's army that took control of Asia when Alexander the Great died. He started the Seleucid Empire.

When Alexander the Great died and the Hellenistic Period began his empire was divided into three parts. was given Macedonia and Greece to rule?

When Alexander the Great died and the Hellenistic Period began, his empire was divided into three parts.AntipaterPtolemyDariusAugustus was given Macedonia and Greece to rule.

Why did Alexander the Great's empire break apart so quickly after his death?

He died young and left no clear successor. His generals fought amongst each other and established their own kingdoms from the areas they grabbed.

How many children did Alexander the great have and what became of them?

He only had one son but when Alexander died his son was to young and alexanders empire was split into kingdoms

Why did Alexander the Great's other sons not claim the empire?

There was only one other legitimate son, who died early.