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Islamic achievementin andalusia:better quality of life for Jews (many of Jews migrate to this region in that time, see The Ornament of the World by María Rosa Menocal)

the invention of baculus for navigating in sea

inventions of Musical Instruments like: qitara(modern = guitar), rebec (ancestor of violin), exabeba/al-shabbaba (modern = flute), atabal/al-tabl (modern = bass drum), qanun/canon (ancestor of piano)

making of anti-earthquake palace al hambra in Spain(ironically when the britons defend themself from vikings only with wooden castle)

making of biggest irrigation system in that time

invetion of primitive parachute by Abbas Ibn Firnas at 852

first papermills in samarkand and Baghdad. they improved paper making technique from Chinese

establish of public library in Baghdad at 900

The earliest known treatises dealing with environmentalism and environmental science, especially pollution, were Arabic treatises written by al-Kindi, al-Razi, Ibn Al-Jazzar, al-Tamimi, al-Masihi, Avicenna, Ali ibn Ridwan, Abd-el-latif, and Ibn al-Nafis. Their works covered a number of subjects related to pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, municipal solid waste mishandling, and environmental impact assessments of certain localities (see L. Gari (2002), "Arabic Treatises on Environmental Pollution up to the End of the Thirteenth Century", Environment and History 8 (4), pp. 475-488)

founding of first diploma issuing university on bimaristan

founding of first full-fledged university, Al Azhar, Cairo

The Iranian born Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) introduced the experimental method to chemistry. He established the chemical industry and perfumery industry.

For example, the first glass factories in Europe were founded in the 11th century by Egyptian craftsmen in Greece

Some of the inventions believed to have come from this time include the camera obscura, coffee, soap bar, tooth paste, shampoo, pure distillation, liquefaction, crystallization, purification, oxidization, evaporation, filtration, distilled alcohol, uric acid, nitric acid, alembic, valve, reciprocating suction piston pump, mechanized waterclocks, quilting, scalpel, bone saw, forceps, surgical catgut, vertical-axle windmill, inoculation, smallpox vaccine, fountain pen, cryptanalysis, frequency analysis, three-course meal, stained glass and quartz glass, Persian carpet, and celestial globe (see Paul Vallely, How Islamic Inventors Changed the World, The Independent, 11 March 2006)

and many more...........)

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Q: Achievement of Muslims from 7th to 16th Century in the history?
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