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Richard Nixon was the first president who began normalizing relations with Communist China.
Richard Nixon gets credit for this feat.
Richard Nixon accomplished this feat.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon re-established relations with China.

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Yes, that's true. Nixon visited China and met with Chairman Mao.

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Richard Nixon

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Q: According to the lesson which U.S. President opened up diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China?
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United States relations with china were normalized though the actions of president?

US President Richard Nixon (a longtime opponent of communism) traveled to the People's Republic of China in 1972 to improve diplomatic relations with that country. the answer is Nixon

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The United States normalized relations with China in 1979 under President Jimmy Carter. This involved the establishment of full diplomatic relations and the recognition of the People's Republic of China as the legitimate government of China, replacing Taiwan.

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