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Q: According to ancient greek philosophers with whom did a tyrant share power?
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Which two Greek philosophers studied in ancient Egypt?


What are two ancient greek philosophers?

domica caldwell and efude dominance

What is the collecting of opinions and conjectures of ancient greek philosophers called?


What did ancient Greek philosophers think gods were?

Blessed persona of nature.

How did ancient Greek philosophers help the development of democracy?

ending the rule of tyrants.

Which of these paintings depicts ancient Greek philosophers?

You have not nominated any paintings to choose from.

What did greek philosophers think matter was made up of?

Ancient Greek philosophers believed that matter was made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. According to this theory, different combinations of these elements created all substances in the world.

Who are the two ancient Greek philosophers depicted in the center of The School of Athens?

Plato and Aristotle

Is it True that the spa philosophers were from Sparta?

No, the spa philosophers were not from Sparta. The spa philosophers were actually ancient Greek philosophers who discussed philosophical ideas while relaxing in the hot springs at places like Athens or Corinth.

Who are some ancient Greek philosophers?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle,Thales,Cynic,Epicurus,Democritus

What is the difference between the elements as envisioned by the ancient Greek philosophers and modern chemists?

ya mum

Where did ancient Greek philosophers live?

In one of the several Greek cities which welcomed them - in Sicily, Egypt, mainland Greece, Asia Minor.