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There is no belief in Judaism that the world will end. Judaism believes that when the Jewish Maschiach (messiah) arrives, he will usher in world peace, and 'perfect the world' so that we have G-d's kingdom, right here on earth. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Answer 1

Messiah, end of days, and Armageddon, are all Jewish concepts in origin; but Jews do not see them in a Christian interpretation.

Answer 2

No, Jews do not believe in the end of the world. That being said, Judaism does teach of the World to Come which refers to how the world will be after hamoshiach (the messiah) has been born. With the time of hamoshiach, the world will change from what it is today and will become like Gan Eden once again.

Answer 3

Generally, Judaism does not teach about a cataclysmic or violent End of Days as Christianity and Islam do, but Judaism does teach about a period when the Messiah comes and the world will become fundamentally different than it is today.

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Q: According to Judaism when will the world end?
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According to, Judaism is the 12th largest religion in the world with 14 million adherents.Please go to their website in order to read more.

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According to the TIME Almanac - 2010, data as of mid-2008:Judaism is practiced in about 135 countries of the world.Its adherents total about 15,100,000, or about 0.2% of the world's population.There is no country in the world where Judaism is the official state religion.

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According to the TIME Almanac 2009, quoting data as of mid-2008:Adherents to Judaism: 15,096,000 out of total world population 6,749,673,000, or 0.2%

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According to Judaism, the answer is yes. (The Jewish term for the place after death is Olam Haba; the World to Come.)

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According to the TIME Almanac - 2010, data as of mid-2008:Judaism is practiced in about 135 countries of the world.Its adherents total about 15,100,000, or about 0.2% of the world's population.There is no country in the world where Judaism is the official state religion.

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According to one survey, adherents to Judaism were found living in 135 countriesas of mid-2009, and totaled 0.2% (two tenths of one percent) of world population.