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Q: About how long would monsoons bring rains?
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What patterns of weather bring strong winds and heavy rains?

I was doing resarch for yoand they are monsoons

Are monsoons part of weather or climate?

Monsoons are a seasonal weather pattern characterized by heavy rain and winds that occur in certain regions. They are part of the weather, as they represent short-term atmospheric conditions. Climate, on the other hand, refers to the long-term patterns of temperature, humidity, and precipitation in a region.

How long do monsoons last?

The monsoon last through April-October

How did monsoons affect the development of India's first civilizations?

Monsoons are an important part of the Indian climate. A monsoon is a strong wind that blows one direction in winter and the opposite direction in summer. The winter monsoon brings the cold, dry air of the mountains. The summer monsoon brings warm, wet air from the Arabian Sea, which produces drenching rains. When the monsoon rains begin, many gamers celebrate. If the rains come on timeand the rainy season lasts long enough, the crop still be good. If the reasons are delayed, a drought will occur. This extended period without rain can be disastrous for farmers. Few crops will be harvested and many people will starve.

How long do monsoons last for?

At my college middle Tennessee state we've conducted to figure out how long monsoons last and have to the conclusion that if you are near a monsoon your royally f@cked. they last roughly 6 moons.

Why is central Asia dry?

Monsoons lead to long periods of drought in central Asia

How the monsoon winds affect the Indian climate?

Chief Characteristics and Effects of the Monsoons or Monsoon Rainfall (a) The monsoons account for 90% of the rainfall received by India. Almost every part of the country except the east coast of Tamil Nadu receives the bulk of rainfall from the summer monsoons. (b) The rainfall is neither continuous nor regular even in the wettest areas. (c) Overall rainfall is not the same each year. The monsoons may be strong or weak in a particular year depending on the intensity and frequency of depression in the Bay of Bengal. (d) The monsoon rains are not evenly distributed. (e) A low pressure near the Himalayas may result in heavy rains in the hills causing floods in the plains or the plains may face prolonged dry spells. (f) Sometimes, the monsoons may break too early or too late. There may be too long or too many breaks in the monsoons, which may retreat too early or too late.

How long dothe monsoons last for in Bangladesh?

Monsoon winds normally start to blow in June and cause heavy rainfall. September is the last for monsoons.

What might happen if it rains for a long period of time?


How do summer monsoons differ from winter monsoons?

QUICK ANSWERThe summer monsoon brings heavy rains and creates a moisture-rich atmosphere, while the winter monsoon generates long periods of dry and arid conditions. The summer monsoon generally begins in April and lasts through late September, while the winter monsoon arrives in October and ends in March. Rainfall produced during the summer monsoon can be very intense; flash floods and even crop damage are not uncommon in regions subject to the monsoon's effects.

What type of cloths would you bring to Columbia?

well, you would bring for the summer shorts, skirts(if your a girl),tank tops and t shirts because it gets very hot in the winter i would bring a couple of long sleeves, and pants i would also bring 1 sweat shirt and you are good.thank you!!

What happens when lighning is going to strike?

thunder comes after and not to long after it rains