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equilibrium :)

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Q: A state that is ultimately reached which results in balance is?
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What is the state that is ultimately reached which results in balance is called?

Homeostasis is the state that is ultimately reached which results in balance. This is the body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions despite external factors. It involves a complex set of processes that work together to keep the body functioning properly.

When opposing processes or forces are in balance it can be said that they have reached a state of?

equilibrium. It is a point where there is a stable balance between the opposing forces, resulting in no overall change in the system.

How photostationary state differ from equilibrium state?

In a photostationary state, a balance is achieved between photochemical reactions, where the rate of formation and loss of species involved in the reaction are equal. This state is reached under the influence of light. In contrast, an equilibrium state is reached when the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal, irrespective of the presence of light.

What will the apparatus look like after equilibrium is reached?

After equilibrium is reached, the apparatus will show no net change in the observable properties, such as temperature, pressure, or concentration. The rates of the forward and reverse reactions will be equal, leading to a constant state of balance in the system.

What is complete equilibrium?

Complete equilibrium refers to a state in which there is a balance or equality between opposing forces or influences. In a complete equilibrium, there is no net change or tendency for change in the system, resulting in stability. This concept is often used in fields such as chemistry, physics, and economics to describe a system that has reached a state of balance.

What is defined as a state of balance?

A state of balance is when different forces or elements are in equilibrium, leading to a stable and harmonious state. This can refer to physical balance, emotional balance, or environmental balance, among others.

When has a solution reached equilibrium?

Something is in "equilibrium" when it is in a state of perfect balance or rest. All forces acting on it are equal and opposite. It is in a "minimum" energy state.

What is a Equilibrium in a market?

The state in which real estate market supply and demand balance each other and, as a result, prices become stable. Generally, when there is too much supply for goods or services, the price goes down, which results in higher demand. The balancing effect of supply and demand results in a state of equilibrium.

Why is equilibrium described as a moving target?

Equilibrium is described as a moving target because the balance between two opposing forces or factors is constantly being influenced by various external factors. Any change in these external factors can disrupt the equilibrium state, requiring a new balance to be reached. This dynamic nature of equilibrium makes it a constantly evolving and shifting state.

What is equilibrium in a real estate market?

The state in which real estate market supply and demand balance each other and, as a result, prices become stable. Generally, when there is too much supply for goods or services, the price goes down, which results in higher demand. The balancing effect of supply and demand results in a state of equilibrium.

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