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The Compromise of 1850 briefly dampened the tensions surrounding slavery that existed between the North and the South. It included five different bills.

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Q: A series of agreements between the north and south that temporarily dampened the slavery controversy?
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What is the sacramentarian controversy?

The Sacramentarian Controversy was the first doctrinal dispute between Protestants, dividing the Zwinglians from the Lutherans.

What was the controversy over the new territories in westward expansionism?

The controversy over the new territories in westward expansionism primarily revolved around the issue of whether these territories would allow or ban slavery. This dispute heightened tensions between the North and the South as it directly impacted the balance of power in Congress and threatened the delicate compromise that had been established between free and slave states. The debates ultimately led to the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and other legislative agreements to manage the issue of slavery in the new territories.

What two international agreements did the US sign in the 1920s?

One of the agreements was NAFTA. It was between Canada, North America and Mexico in regards to trading items with one another.

What agreements made of The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 and was a set of agreements between those who were against slavery and those who were for it. It forbade slavery north of the 36th parallel, except where designated in Missouri.

What were the sources of conflict between the plains Indians an us government?

In my view, the conflict started when the government decided that the Army's role was no longer to enforce the treaty agreements but rather to protect the "settlers" who were violating those agreements.

Related questions

A series of agreements between north and south that temporarily dampened the slavery?

The compromise of 1850

A series of agreements between North and South that temporarily dampened the slavery controversy and led to a short-lived era of national good feelings?

The Compromise of 1850, actually a set of 5 compromises

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Ambassadors have the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country.

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Ambassadors have the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country.

What is the sacramentarian controversy?

The Sacramentarian Controversy was the first doctrinal dispute between Protestants, dividing the Zwinglians from the Lutherans.

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International agreements or treaties.

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ensuring agreements between defense industries and organized labor.

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