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I told my son not to sprawl on the couch watching TV all day

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Q: A sentence for word sprawl
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What is a sentence for the word sprawl?

i will sprawl

How do you use the word sprawl in a sentence?

Sprawl in front of me, if you need forgiveness. This is one of many examples for sentence use.

What is sentence sprawl?

I told my son to not sprawl when watching televison/tv.

How do you use the sprawled in a sentence?

Sprawl in front of me, if you need forgiveness. This is one of many examples for sentence use.

How do you use urban renewal in a sentence?

I from urban Renewal in the large city

What part of speech is sprawled?

The word sprawled is a verb. It is the past tense form of the verb "sprawl".

What is a sentence for urban sprawl?

The word sprawling could mean the position of a person (or animal) whose limbs are extended out in odd ways. It could also mean extending outward in all directions. Here are a couple of sentences: The girl was sprawling on the bed in a way not so different from that of her nearby cat. As the big industrial plant closed, the nearby town became a sprawling jungle of blacktop and tracts of run-down housing.

When was Suburban Sprawl Music created?

Suburban Sprawl Music was created in 1999.

What is meant by spurl the flag?

"spurl the flag" is a saying for Pakistani independence day. "spurl" the word means to sprawl-out

What is the meaning of sprawled?

of Sprawl

Which sentence best explains the effect of urban sprawl on water consumption?

Water consumption rises because suburban communities use more water.

How do you make a sentence with the word loll?

QUAnswer:'Loll' is a verb meaning to sprawl or lounge around lazily.'Sit up straight and don't loll!' the teacher said to the inattentive pupil.