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Q: A scene in a narrative that interrupts the action to show an event that happened at an earlier time?
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What is a scene a conversation or an event that interrupts the present action?

A flashback is a scene that interrupts the present action by showing events from the past. It provides context or background information that is relevant to the current storyline.

Where did the most of the action happen in?

Most of the action happened in the main city where the story takes place, where the characters interacted and the plot unfolds, driving the narrative forward.

Would you use the imperfect tense to talk about an action that interrupts another?

... false

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The hardware initiates an interrupt when it feels that the situation requires the CPU's action.

What are the types of Philippine narrative?

i think beginning rising action falling action climax problem

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What is narrative sketch?

A narrative sketch is the antithesis of an anecdote. The action is of minor importance; action may even be entirely lacking. The interest lies in three things-character, setting, and mood or emotion.

What makes a narrative a narrative?

A narrative has A complication A resolution A conclusion -practically the same a story book

What majority of a narrative takes place during parts of plot?

The majority of a narrative typically takes place during the rising action and climax of the plot where the conflict is developed and reaches its peak. This is where the tension and excitement in the story are at their highest, leading to the resolution and falling action.

Why is the helping verb used to make the past perfect tense?

The helping verb "have" is used to form the past perfect tense because it indicates that the action was completed before another past action or point in time. This tense is used to show that an action happened earlier in the past relative to another action.

What is the plot in a narrative?

The plot in a narrative refers to the sequence of events that make up the story, including the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. It is the structure that outlines how the story unfolds and develops from beginning to end.

What was the rising action of the story?

Its the point in a narrative that make u feel an excitement