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Be inaudible.

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Q: A ringing bell placed in a vacuum under a glass bell jar will?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What happens a candle is placed under a glass container?

Placing a candle under a glass container will cause the flame to consume the oxygen inside the container. As the oxygen is used up, the flame will eventually extinguish due to lack of oxygen, creating a vacuum inside the container.

What is the glass called you put a specimen on under a microscope?

The glass slide is the flat, rectangular surface where specimens are placed for examination under a microscope. It is typically made of clear glass and is used to hold the specimen securely in place for viewing.

Are there halogen light units that can be placed under pieces of art glass to provide upwards illumination of the glass?

That's just silly. It can never be done.

Why is glass placed over the onion skin when under a microscope?

It is to protect it while you are examining it. However, I would like to know why this is under Horse Tack?

What happens when glass is put under paper when rubbed against silk?

When glass is placed under paper and rubbed against silk, the friction generated can lead to the glass developing a static electric charge. This happens because the glass interacts with the silk and the paper, causing the transfer of electrons between the materials. This can result in the glass becoming negatively charged.

What is the object called that you look at under a microscope?

The object that you look at under a microscope is called a specimen. It is placed on a glass slide and then magnified and viewed through the microscope lens.

What is the thin glass square called that is placed over a microscope slide called?

The thin glass square that is placed over a microscope slide is called a cover slip. It is used to protect the specimen on the slide and to provide a flat surface for viewing under the microscope.

Can a scientist observe living things under an electron microscope?

No, electron microscopes require specimens to be in a vacuum chamber, which is not compatible with living organisms that need to be in a natural environment to survive. Instead, scientists typically use light microscopes to observe living organisms.

What is the name of water glass cover?

The Chemical Name for Water Glass is Sodium Silicate. It is used for such things as preserving eggs, weighting silks, in some soaps as a detergent, making grinding wheels, etc.etc.etc.

Which gas is filled in electric tubes to give bright glow?

A standard tungsten-element light bulb, there is no gas under the glass, it is a vacuum.

Can a bell ringing under water be heard?

yes bell rung under water can be heared

What is a piace of glass that you put under a microscope?

A microscope slide is a thin, flat piece of glass that specimens are placed on for viewing under a microscope. It usually has dimensions around 25mm x 75mm and is used to hold the specimen securely and provide a clear background for observation.