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hostile Indians after the intervention of Pocahontas

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Q: A problem that the settlers of Jamestown did not face was?
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What was one problem face by settlers of Jamestown?

the settlers lacked some of the necessary skills needed to provide for themselves

What challenges did early Jamestown settlers face?

Jamestown early settlers faced harsh winters and were unable to grow the food they need to survive.

A serious problem in the early years of Jamestown was?

The most serious problem in the he early years of Jamestown was that the settlers did not have the pioneering skills needed to survive. They were not used to hard work because most were nobles.

What was a critical problem confronting the first settlers of Jamestown?

There was a food shortage...

What was the problem faced by the settlers of Jamestown?

the settlers lacked some of the necessary skills needed to provide for themselves

What do you think was the most serious problem faced by settlers in Virginia?

The greatest problem that the Jamestown settler' had to face in the early years of settlement is disease and starvation.

What did the Jamestown settlers face?

Harsh winter, lack of government, and no expierence with farming

Where were the Jamestown's settlers from?

The Jamestown settlers where from England

What was one problem the settlers faced of Jamestown?

the settlers lacked some of the necessary skills needed to provide for themselves

What do you think was the serious problem faced by settlers in Virginia?

Jamestown and Bacon's Rebellion.

What hardship did the Jamestown settlers face?

Harsh winter, lack of government, and no expierence with farming

What hardship did Jamestown settlers face?

Harsh winter, lack of government, and no expierence with farming