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Q: A person who was specially trained and who learned how to read and write was known as?
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Who is a professional trained in library science?

A professional who is trained in library science is officially known as a librarian.

Who is David Ausabel?

David Ausabel is a cognitive psychologist who is credited with the theory of Advanced Organizers. He believed that in order of new information to be learned, it must be put into a context or linked to knowledge that already exists. His theory used a systems approach and his research was based on conditions of learning. According to Ausabel meaningful learning is considered to be new knowledge that relates to what is already known. He advocated what is known as an 'anchoring idea' eg. a review of previously learned ideas or concepts that relates specificallly to the new information that is to be learned. New information should be organized to answer three simple questions. 1. What will the person learn? 2.What does the person want to learn? 3.What did the person learn?

In order to equip themselves nd their armies for battle many nobles did wht?

Not all members of the nobility were trained to do combat, though many were. A well known historical person who was a member of the nobility and decided not to be a knight was Peter Abelard.

What do Japanese Ninjas Do?

They were trained to make it to where their existence was unknown so as a result their origin isn't completely known but what is known is that they had an important role in sabotage and espionage though they were also "known" for their assassination skills.

How did colonial printers learn to print?

The process itself and the ways to build a press were widely known. Among the people immigrating from Europe were people who had been trained and who had already worked as printers. They in turn trained other people living in the American colonies.

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What is a person who mixes recorded music for an audience specially in clubs-parties known as?

The person is a Disk Jockey (DJ).

A person trained in administering anesthesia but who is not necessarily a physician is known as?

CRNAs are nurses who administer anesthesia.

Who is the social scientist that studied human behavior and stated that humans and animals can have trained and learned responses?

Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist and psychologist, is the social scientist known for studying human behavior through classical conditioning. He demonstrated that both animals and humans can exhibit trained and learned responses to stimuli in his famous experiment with dogs and the conditioned response to a bell.

Can a behavior be learned?

Yes, behaviors can be learned through a process called conditioning, where associations are made between a behavior and a stimulus. This can be done through both classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Additionally, behaviors can also be learned through observation and imitation, known as social learning.

What is the 1 abstract noun for captain?

The noun captain is an abstract noun, a word for the position or the rank of a person. There is nothing physical about a person that makes that person a captain; the fact that a person is a captain is something that is learned, known, or understood.

Information learned while a person is best retrieved when the person is?

Information is best retrieved when a person is in a similar state of mind and environment as when they initially learned the information. This phenomenon, known as context-dependent memory, suggests that recalling information is most effective when the retrieval cues match those present during encoding.

How does a stag attract its mate?

It dances a specially dance known as the 'Macarena'

What is the name of the OFAC list of individuals known to engage in illegal activities?

The OFAC list of individuals known to engage in illegal activities is called the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list.

Who is a professional trained in library science?

A professional who is trained in library science is officially known as a librarian.

What is a person who travels in space?

A person that travels in space is known as an Astronaut, also referred to as a Cosmonaut. An astronaut is a person who travels in space. They are usually trained to operate spaceships and other machines that they may need to survive in space.

How did Brunelleschi get discovered?

Filippo Brunelleschi is known specially for the invention of linear perspective.

What do you call a group of civilians trained to fight in an emergency?

A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies are known as militias or reserves.