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Abolitionists in the United States advocated for the immediate and unconditional release of all slaves. The historical movement of abolition had its strongest start among Quakers and Evangelical Christians. Abolitionism was a key topic in the First Great Awakening.

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14y ago

A person who wanted to abolish or in other words end slavery were called Abolitionists.

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Q: A person who demanded immediate freeing of the slaves?
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Who demanded immediate freeing of the slaves?

Frederick Douglas

What action was demanded by Abolitionists?

they demeanded the immediate imancipation of slaves


(1862) An order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union; took effect January 1, 1863.

The freeing of slaves is known as?

The freeing of slaves is known as freedman. This was back in history.

Why was Harriet Tubman a wanted person?

She saved all the slaves by making them go on an underground railroad. They wanted her for freeing lots of slaves.

Which president is credited with freeing the slaves?

Abraham Lincoln was credited with freeing the slaves and stopping slavery of people.

What is The freeing of individual slaves?

Manumission is the act of a slave owner freeing their slaves.

The freeing of individual slaves?


What was the Lincoln union was?

freeing the slaves

What was the goal for the unions?

freeing the slaves

What was the goal for the union?

freeing the slaves

Who started freeing slaves?

The upper southern states were the first to start freeing slaves. The northern states were already free states and didn't need to free any slaves.