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Q: A minister who in 1638 founded the colony of Rhode Island (after he was forced to leave Massachusetts for religious reasons). His colony offered religious freedom and he opposed the forced attendance?
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Why was colonial Massachusetts Bay founded?

Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded for religious freedom.

What is the reason the Massachusetts colony was founded?

Massachusetts was founded for religious freedom.this is the best answer.

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Massachusetts was founded for religious freedom

Why was colonial Massachusetts founded?

Massachusetts was founded for religious freedom.this is the best answer.

How was Massachusetts founded?

Massachusetts was founded for religious freedom. The religions name was puritan that Winthrop studied.

Was Massachusetts founded for religious freedom?


Who funded Massachusetts?

The Puritans founded Massachusetts. They came to Massachusetts for religious freedom. The bay colony was founded under a royal charter.

Why did they founded Massachusetts?

English Puritans founded it for religious freedom, and the correct grammer would be "Why was Massachusetts founded?" hope i helped :P

What was the purpose of finding Massachusetts Bay?

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded under the principle of religious freedom. It was founded by non-conformists for the purpose of enjoying greater religious liberty.

Which colony was founded mainly as place for personal religious freedom?

Massachusetts was founded by Pilgrims seeking personal & religious freedoms.

What minister left Massachusetts to start a colony in Rhode Island?

Roger Williams founded it due to being banished from Puritan settlements. He founded Rhode Island mainly to exercise religious tolerance.

Who was the minister in Salem Massachusetts before he founded providence?

John Winthrop