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Prevent European interference in North and South America


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Q: A main provision of the Monroe Doctrine was to?
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What were the provisions of the monroe doctrine?

The main provision was to keep out Europe from the Americas.

What was the Policy declaring that the American continent was no longer open for European colonization?

Monroe Doctrine 1823

Where did the Monroe Doctrine happen?

The Monroe Doctrine was articulated in James Monroe's Congress.

Which president established the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was proposed by President James Monroe.

What opposed the truman doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was in direct opposition to the Truman Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine said the US should not interfere with events in Europe.

How did the Monroe Doctrine differ from Adamss Fourth of July Address?

The Monroe Doctrine was approved by Congress.

What year did president James Monroe announce the Monroe doctrine?

He announced the Monroe Doctrine in 1823.

Who was involved on monroe doctrine?

President James Monroe is responsible for drawing up the monroe doctrine.

What did The Roosevelt Corollary expanded on?

an addition to the monroe doctirine in 1928??? i think but i know it was an addition to the monroe doctrine not sure abpout the date

What was the main message of the monroe doctrine and towards whom it directed?

The main message of the Monroe doctrine was that European powers could no longer interfere with the newly independent states of the Americas (it was produced in 1823). It was directed toward all European nation.

Is cartoon refers to the Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823 The Monroe Doctrine was intended to prevent European expansion in?

This cartoon refers to the Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was intended to prevent European expansion in

What is the monroe compromise?

a doctrine of Monroe.