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the number of small farms .

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Q: A long term result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe was an increase in?
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What was the result of the industrial revolution in Europe?

It was the concentration of workers in urbans areas.

How did women's roles changes as the result of the industrial Revolution in Europe?

They gained increased economic independence by working in factories.

What major result of the industrial revolution was?

The Industrial Revolution was the concentration of workers in the urban areas.

As a result of the Industrial revolution what was there an increase in?

The industrial revolution led to changes in Cotton production, The Coal and Iron Industry, Railroads, The New Factories, but most importantly, growth of cities and the emergency of two new social classes; THE INDUSTRIAL MIDDLE CLASS and THE INDUSTRIAL WORKING CLASS.

What was the direct result of the Scientific revolution in Europe?

The use of the Latin language and the invention of the printing press were direct results of the scientific revolution in Europe.

A long-term result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe was?

the transformation of economies from agriculture-based to industry-based, urbanization as people moved to cities for factory jobs, and an increase in technological advancements and innovation.

What was the result of the commercial revolution in Europe?

A great increase in general commerce as well as growth in financial services, like banks.

How did corporations grow as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Corporations were able to grow as a result of the Industrial Revolution. This is because it allowed production to be faster and spread.

What developed in the north during the 1800s as a result of the industrial revolution?

Manufactoring grew in the North resulting to the Industrial Revolution.

Social changes emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Employers imposed fines and penalties for lateness, for interruptions in work and for absenteeism Social structure as a result of Industrial Revolution.

Which system was developed as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Free trade was developed as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Goods that are produced at affordable prices induce purchases. The Industrial Revolution in the UK meant that cloth could be produced at a faster and more competitive rate.

What was not a direct result of the industrial revolution?

overhunting of large mammals