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All shall obey my command.

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Q: A law made by a ruler?
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How did Julius Caesar make himself absolute ruler of rome?

Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.

What is a ruler made out of?

A ruler is made out of wood usually but sometimes can be made out of rubber. it could also be made out of metal or plastic

What was one of Wu Zhao's accomplishments as ruler of the Tang Dynasty?

She created penalties for breaking the law

Describe the characteristics of any enlightened ruler?

A ruler who is logical, wise, and caring of others. Characteristics of an ideal enlightened ruler include, firstly, the ruler would use logic and reason while ruling his domain. Secondly, the king or monarch would ensure that the people have their natural rights, such as, equality before the law, freedom of religious worship, freedom of speech, and the right to own property. Thirdly, the enlightened ruler would promote and develop arts, sciences and education. Fourthly, the enlightened ruler himself should obey the law and enforce fairly upon his people.

What made Justinian and theodora great leaders?

Justinian sought to restore the empire's greatness. He re-established Roman control in the western Mediterranean. He rewrote the Roman law, which is still the basis for civil law in many states. Many consider Theodora, his mistress and later wife, to be his co-ruler.

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What gives a ruler legitimacy?

The law. That law can be imposed by the ruler (Despotism) or by the people (Democracy).

When did people start bathing regularly?

when did people start bathing and what ruler made the law to bathe regularly

What is a ruler who is unconstrained by law?

A Dictator

Who is a ruler who is unconstrained by law?

A Dictator

Did Cleopatra rule on her own?

No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.No, technically, Cleopatra did not rule on her own, but since she made all the decisions you could realistically say that she did rule on her own. Under Egyptian law a woman had to have a male co-ruler. Cleopatra's first two partners were her brothers and when they died she made her baby son her co-ruler, thereby keeping all the power for herself.

A ruler who is unconstrained by law?

i dont know but no one knows the exact answer

What is a acrylic ruler?

It's a ruler made of acrylic. Essentially, it's a clear plastic ruler.

What do you call a ruler that fails to have regard for his citizens and believes that he is above the law?

I believe the ruler would be considered a dictator.

How much does a ruler?

No one answer. Depends on the size of the ruler, and what it is made of. Sorry.

How did Julius Caesar make himself absolute ruler of rome?

Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.Julius Caesar made himself absolute ruler of Rome by winning a civil war.

Which two types of government have a single ruler a ruler's will is law and the people have no rights?

A DictatorshipAn Absolute Monarchy

How much does a ruler weght?

No one answer. Depends on the size of the ruler, and what it is made of. Sorry.