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You wanted to know where it's found? It's Matthew 12:25.

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Mark 3:25, Luke 11:17, and Matthew 12:25

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Q: A house divided against itself can not stand. what Bible verse is this?
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Who was the politician who said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Abraham Lincoln

When did Abraham Lincoln say a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Yes, called the 'House Divided speech', it was given by him in June 1858, in Illinois after he accepted the nomination for senator.

Why is the civil war important?

it was important because it could have caused serious damage and it did but more and more and more and i believe it was the first war

Was New Zealand involved in Apartheid and how were they involved?

Apartheid: part, to seperate! Al the governments established by European Imperialism, are apartheid forms of government, and incase you have not realized are failing. During the total human history aparthied governments have been: Seeded; Grown; Bloomed; Faded; Died! It is the way of Divided kingdoms: You can not change TRUTH, by eradicating it from this page! And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? [MATTHEW 12:25-26.] I'm thinking that Apartheid applies to the Republic of South Africa, formerly the Union of South Africa, and was before the creation of the 'Rainbow Nation'. It has to be said that New Zealand has had a better relationship between the arrival of the 'White Man' and the indiginous population, and that the Maori culture has prospered alaonside that of the newly arrived foreigners. This is obvious from the way they co operate with such devastating efficiency on the rugby field. It is, however, a fact that Racism affects all societies and I don't suppose New Zealand is any different, but Apartheid is a fact of what was South Africa. All government is divisive, it is The Human Paradox, to believe one is free, because one is governed. What does free mean?

When do you have to let soldiers live in your house?

you dont have to because it is against the law

Related questions

Why did Lincoln say a house divided against itself cannot stand?

He wasn't talking about war, he was talking about the slaves. It was a a bible quote. And Jesus knew their [the Pharisees'] thoughts, and said unto them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." He was saying a nation can't be half in slavery and half free.

Lincoln said a what divided against itself can't stand.?

A house. A house divided amongst itself can't stand

Which president said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Abraham Lincoln President said a house divided against itself cannot stand.

What scripture verse was Lincoln alluding to when he said ' a house divided against itself cannot stand'?

Matthew 12:25 ( also mentioned in Mark 3 and Luke 11) And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand The following verse is similar. 25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. It is clear Lincoln, who was known to read his Bible, was alluding to either of these, and applying the fairly straightforward principles contained therein to the situation then prevailing in the US.

who said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand"?

The original quote is from the Gospel of St. Mark: "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." It was borrowed by Abraham Lincoln.

The argument in The 'House Divided Against Itself' Speech is of what rhetorical type?


What was Abraham Lincoln's famous quotation?

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"

Who was the politician who said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Abraham Lincoln

What meaning a house divided against itself can not stand?

it means you should always have some one to help you.

What does divided house mean?

Lincoln was quoting a Biblical reference. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." He was referring to the tensions within the USA, and the conflict between its two widely different societies, North and South.

What did Lincoln mean by saying that a house divided against itself cannot stand?

He was making a reference to the 12 states that left the union. Hence "a house divided" and he meant that if it stayed that way the nation couldn't stay a nation.

Who was Lincoln talking to when he made the speech house divided against itself cannot stand?

LINCOLN was speaking to the Illinois Republican convention in 1858 when he quoted those famous words. The statement, "house divided against itself shall not stand", is a statement Jesus made to the Pharisees when they accused him of casting out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils, (Matthew 12.24,25)