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Edmond Burke condemned the French Revolution as a "digest of anarchy". He was probably the greatest single factor in turning British public opinion against the French Revolution with the publication of his book Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790.

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Adele O'Hara

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Edmund Burke (January 1729 to July 1797) was a conservative who became well-known because he condemned the French Revolution. His opposition led to his becoming the lead figure of the Whig party.

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9y ago

Edmond Burke condemned the French Revolution as a "digest of anarchy". He was probably the greatest single factor in turning British public opinion against the French Revolution with the publication of his book Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790.

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What reason does brutus claim that Cassius is often condemned by the people?

Brutus claims that Cassius is often condemned by the people because he is seen as greedy and corrupt. He argues that Cassius accepts bribes and engages in illicit activities for personal gain, which goes against the principles of honor and integrity that Brutus values.

Give reason mahatma Gandhi condemned the pentangular tournament?

mahatma gandhi condemned the pentangular tournament because that tournament was played on the basis of communities and divided the communities at a time when freedom fighters were trying to create a sense of nationalism in the mind of all the diverse population of india

Was the revolution in the agriculture necessary to the industrial Revolution?

Yes, it was necessary because the inventions that were created had help aid the industrial revolution

What are the Firebrands of the revolution?

its because he was famous

Did the changes of the Russian Revolution resolve the problems that led to the Revolution?

No, not really. The most pressing and immediate causes for the Revolution were involvement in World War 1, unequal distribution of land and shortages of food in the cities. After the March Revolution the conservative Provisional Government took over. It continued to fight in the war, did nothing to redistribute land and was unable to increase agricultural output. The people of Russia were no better of than they had been under the Tsar. After the October Revolution, Lenin's government continued the war effort because Germany wanted too many concessions; failed to redistribute land to the peasants, because Lenin kept the land in the hands of the government; and failed to cure the food shortages because his "war communism" policy made peasant farmers hoard, destroy or not grow their crops.

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Who was conservative who became well-known because he condemned the French Revolution was?

Edmond Burke condemned the French Revolution as a "digest of anarchy". He was probably the greatest single factor in turning British public opinion against the French Revolution with the publication of his book Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790.

What a conservation who became well known because he condemned the french revolution was?


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