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== == The plane that struck the Empire State Building was a B-25 Mitchell bomber. It struck the building on July 28, 1945. The tragedy was caused by pilot error, which occurred largely due to the dense fog. The plane slammed into the northern side of the Empire State Building in New York, between the 79th and 80th floors, at 322 kilometres per hour. The aircraft's wings were torn off and a 5m x 6m hole gouged in the side of the building. One engine flew right through the Empire State Building and out the other side, and crashed through the roof of a nearby building. The other engine and part of the bomber's landing gear fell through an elevator shaft. When the plane hit, its fuel tanks exploded, engulfing the 79th floor in flames. However, the fire was doused within about 40 minutes. One of the more amazing survival stories involved elevator operator Betty Lou Oliver. After being treated for burns, Oliver was on her way down the elevator to the ambulance when the cable snapped, weakened by the crash. Oliver survived the elevator plummeting from the 75th floor down to the basement. The descent was slowed by cables beneath the elevator acting as coils as it neared the basement, and by the cushioning effect of the compressed air under the elevator, caused by the very tight fit of the car in the hatchway.

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14y ago

the problem is tghe numbers are reversed, it was B25 MItchell Bomber

a twin engine WWII aircraft smaller then a B52, plus this event was in 1945

at the time B52 was a designer concept at Boeing.

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