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Q: 6 point you should consider when communicating with culturally diverse people?
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What is traditional Russian attire?

Russia is so large and is inhabited by so many culturally and ethnically diverse people that there is no single answer to your question.

Why is it necessary to have guest workers is southwest Asia?

they fill jobs that the region's native people find culturally or economically unacceptable.

What is the ethnicity in Great Britain?

The 2001 Census collected information about ethnicity in Great Britain. The results show that while the British population is more culturally diverse than ever before, white Christians remain the largest single group by far. In Great Britain, 40 million people (nearly seven in ten) described their ethnicity as White and their religion as Christian.

Why did Hitler want ancshluss with Austria?

because he believed that they were culturally and socially the same people and that they should not be divided by an artificial political boundary

Why was the roman empire diversed?

The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.The Roman empire was diverse because it encompassed many different ethnic groups of people and many different cultures and gods.

Related questions

Is Europe a culturally diverse region?

The southern part of England primarly London is the most diverse it contains more than half of all foreign people that live in Europe

Which nations are the most culturally diverse?

There is no single way to measure how culturally diverse a country is. India has more languages in daily use and more different religions and cultures than any other country. Canada and the United States are both culturally diverse countries with large populations who are immigrants and many people who do not speak the primary languages or adhere to the cultural norms of the majority. Indonesia has tremendous cultural diversity scattered among hundreds of islands. Some countries are culturally diverse in that they have multiple roughly equal cultures within their borders. Macedonia and Montenegro are examples.

In what specific ways can you enhance your ability to communicate with people from diverse cultures?

Communicating in a culturally appropriate way means finding a way to communicate effectively that also respects and accepts cultural differences. Communication is a two-way process, so all parties need to work together to achieve culturally appropriate communication. For example, is Practice active listening. Effective communicators are always good listeners.

What is traditional Russian attire?

Russia is so large and is inhabited by so many culturally and ethnically diverse people that there is no single answer to your question.

Describe what is meant by melting pot?

A melting pot describes a group of culturally diverse people. The United States is considered a melting pot.

Where is a place in the US where people built a church a synagogue and a mosque They all own the land and have a community center there too What is its name and what state is it in?

a culturally diverse palce

What are the most culturally diverse nations?

The most culturally diverse nations include Canada, Australia, the United States, and Brazil. These countries have large immigrant populations, indigenous cultures, and a mix of ethnicities contributing to their diverse cultural landscapes.

What does culturally diverse mean?

Several cultures coexisting in one place (usu. a city or state)

Explain why health care organisations should promote an inclusive and culturally diverse work place?

they should be inclusive because it makes people feel better which leads to better working conditions, the better quality. the culturally diverse workplace is somewhat debated because it could mean that you are using race/culture as a factor in hiring which is a form of racism even though it can be an attempt to prevent racism.

What is the advantage of culturally diverse team in a work place?

The best teamwork comes from people with diverse points of view, who can collaborate, come to consensus, and take action. The advantage of a culturally diverse team is that people have a variety of different points of view when approaching problems or taking action. An example of this might be when a problem is solved by people from broadly diverse socioeconomic situations; if a team has only members from one end or other of the spectrum, some solutions may not even be considered, due to cost or production demands. Another would be if the members had a variety of types of education; problems would then be looked at from the perspective of many disciplines rather than a narrower one.

What are characteristics of culturally integrated society?

Federal, State, Municipal and Community organizations to serve the needs of the specific region you are referencing ... from Police, Fire, Medical to Sewage and Funeral arrangements with everything in between. When you consider the vast number of requirements for a group of people to co-exist, this could be a very diverse list of items to keep people happy and prospering as a whole unit or as you say, "integrated society."

Why should you be culturally sensitive?

Because there are many people in the world who are culturally sensitive to you. Returning the favor is a kind way to showappreciation.