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Q: 3 most important people in antebellum period?
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What do antebellum mean?

Antebellum is a word that refers to the period before the Civil War. An example of this term in a complex sentence might be, " Miss Sally fondly remembered antebellum times, before Atlanta had burned, and before most of the men in her town had died in the war."

Antebellum was the period before what war?

The word "antebellum" simply means "before a war." It is most often used to describe the period of US history before the US Civil War, but it could refer to any war.

What is a fact about Southern slavery?

One of the most important facts about slavery in the South in the antebellum period was that the large Southern plantations depended on slave labor to run them. Because of this dependence, slavery became a fact of life in the South.

What is meant by the post war in the national economic order?

Most of the time, anyone talking about the post war period, is referring to the period following WW II (which ended in 1945). However, when they talk about the antebellum South (antebellum meaning before the war) they mean the Civil War, not WW II.

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Indra or Purandhara was the most important God in the rigvedic period.

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which plantation was most important during the colonial period

Why were antebellum houses built in the civil war of 1860-1865?

"Antebellum" means "before the war". Antebellum houses are those built before the Civil War. Surviving antebellum houses are rare in some places because many houses were burned during the war. There were few homes built in the south during 1861-65 because most house builders were serving in the army. After the war few people had money to build a large fine home for several generations, so, antebellum houses which survive are special.

What is important about the yayoi period?

the most important part is the bronzed mirrors

What were the most important religious vocal musical compositions of the medieval period?

Mass and motet are the most important religious vocal musical compositions of the medieval period.

Who lead the Israelite people?

Moses. It is notable that the Israelite people existed for several centuries and as a result, they had numerous leaders during that period. Moses is the most famous and most important of those leaders.

What was the most popular form of fiction in antebellum America?

The most popular form of fiction in antebellum America was the sentimental novel, which focused on emotional themes like love, family, and moral redemption. These novels were often written by women and were widely read by both female and male audiences. They played a significant role in shaping cultural values and societal norms during this period.

What products was Georgia most known for during the antebellum era?
