

Best Answer
  • Omaha, Gold, Sword, Juno and Utah were the code names for the beaches
  • Neptune was the code name for the initial landing plan
  • Operation Overlord was the name of the Normandy Invasion Campaign.
  • The codes were used so the Germans would not figure out what the Allied Forces were talking about or discussing on telegraphy air waves.
  • The Americans landed on Omaha beach and took a beating. Thousands were killed on that beach.
  • They also landed on Utah beach without the major casualties.
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14y ago

The beaches assaulted on d-day, 6 June 1944 at Normany, France were: Utah, Omaha (assaulted by US Forces) and Juno, Gold, Sword (assaulted by British and Candian forces)

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Q: 13 What were all the beaches codenames and what beaches did Americans land on and why did they have codenames?
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