Because when edward the confessor died, lots of different people claimed he said they could be king after him, so there were many war's and fights about who sould be king of england.
The Battle Of Hastings happened in the year 1066 on the date 14 October.
In the year of 1066
in 1066
The battle took place in 1066. William won by changing tactics! hope this is helpful!!!
it happened on the year of 1066
October 14th 1066
The Battle Of Hastings happened in the year 1066 on the date 14 October.
no it was not it was in a different year around 1066
In the year of 1066
1066 = Year of the Battle of Hastings
october 14th 1066
the year 1066 is when King Haraldr of Norway died trying to conquer England
990 was 76 years before 1066
The 11th century.
knights where introduced in the year 1066