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Q: “Why is the bus so important to understanding Jim Crow”?
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What is the law that blacks could not ride in the front of the bus?

It was not an actual law, but they were referred to as Jim Crow laws.

What Rosa Parks did that was heroic?

She defied the South's Jim Crow Laws, by refusing to give up her seat and sit in the back of the bus.

Jim crow laws definition?

Jim Crow Laws are laws that were set in place in the 1900s that separated blacks from whites, like they couldn't use the same restroom as white people, couldn't sit in the front of bus...etc. They were still legal even because of the equality of the U.S. because people said that they were equal, just separate.

Why did James F. Blake leave Rosa parks in the rain in 1943?

Mrs. Parks had paid for the ticket and was boarding the bus when Mr. Blake told her to observe city bus regulations (Jim Crow laws) and enter the bus from the back. She exited but before she could reenter from the back Mr. Black drove off.

Who started the Jim crow laws?

harry s truman

How did the Jim Crow laws affect African Americans in their daily life?

It enforced segragation between whites and blacks. Blacks couln't drink out of the same water fountains as blacks. They had to sit at the back of the bus. they also had to give up their seats to a white person if there weren't any seats left.

Factors that led to the establishment of Jim Crow Laws included which of the following?

Factors that led to the establishment of Jim Crow Laws included racial prejudice, economic competition between blacks and whites, and the desire of white supremacists to maintain control and dominance over African Americans.

What was the name of the group that rode on buses to defy Jim Crow's law?

You may be referring to the Freedom Riders who rode on chartered buses in 1961. Also, of course, there were many people who rode in the front section of the local city buses to protest blacks being forced to the rear of the bus.

Why is breakfast important for a  bus driver?

Breakfast is important for a bus driver because in order for a bus driver to keep awake an arrive to correct destinations, he needs to be very alert. That is why breakfast (the most important meal of the day) is important for a bus driver! ;D

What happened during and after the Montgomery bus boycott?

The Alabama bus boycott was started when Rosa Parks was asked to get out of her seat for a white man. She had been sitting in the white section of the bus (buses were segregated), but the white section was full and when Parks was asked to move she kindly replied ,"no." She was sent to jail and this infuriated the African Americans and they decided to boycott the buses. They went for 382 days without riding the bus, and finally Rosa Parks was let out of jail, and Jim Crow Laws (legal name for segregation) were "kicked off" the bus. Also martin Luther kings house was bombed.

How did Jim crow laws affect black children's education?

Yes beause they had to go to seprageted schools which were uassully dirtier, they learned less and they hed to wlak while Whit kids got to ride the bus. If a African American went to a White School they would hae to sit at the back of the classroom.

Was the Montgomery bus important to Luther?

yes! the Montgomery bus was very-very important to martin Luther king jr.