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Q: Why is too much antibiotics bad for you?
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How are antibiotics good and bad?

Antibiotics are good to ease the pain your in and also to make you feel calmer. But the bad thing about them is you can get too addicted and this may lead to depression :)

What happens if you use too much antibiotics?

you start getting this weird feeling which varies in the drug, then you start getting addicted to the drug, which is a bad thing!

Is too much sushi bad?

Too much of anything can be bad.

Is too much laughter bad for you?

Apparently too much laughter is bad for you.

Can antibiotics rot teeth?

I believe this has been very carefully studied and too much of anything is bad for you. If you need help from a drug to clear something bad then do it and never worry about the side effects of a good helpfull drug

How do you avoid sinusitis?

i drink antibiotics, not drinking too much cold beverages.

Is masturvating bad?

If you do it too much it is bad.

Is it bad to eat too much strawberries?

Uhhh you like die.

Is eating to much protein a bad thing?

Eating too much of anything is a bad thing. That's why its called "too much"

What additional problems can be caused by using antibiotics to get rid of bacteria in the fish tank?

Using too much antibiotics than the recommended dosage can be harmful to the fish.

Is taking 3 antibiotics at the same time bad?

Yes, because your skin can not take that much antibiotic.

What does too much salt do to you?

Well, nothing really. However, it's bad for you if you eat too much. It is bad for your health