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what is the cost of a set of dentures?

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Q: What is the cost of a set of false teeth?
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Related questions

Is there a difference between false teeth and dentures?

False teeth can be individual or come in a set, while dentures are the whole set of teeth. in the end, though, they are just replacements for real teeth. So yes and no.

How do you eat with NO teeth?

You can only eat mushy food. Alternatively you get a set of false teeth.

What is a chewset?

An informal name for a set of false teeth (dentures).

how much does a lower set of teeth cost?

how much does a lower denture set cost

just moved here fromm wv broke my false teeth need new set. what is the cost for someone w.little money ?

Depending on your insurance dentures can cost you between $2-$2000

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How much does it cost for a Full set of uppers, with porclean teeth, unbreakable?

need to no what it will cost for 9 teeth to be pulled and a top set of dentures made?

need to no what it will cost for 9 teeth to be pulled and a top set of dentures made

Who designed one set of George Washingtons false teeth?

George Washington had in fact several sets of false teeth made, four of them by a dentist named John Greenwood.

What did George Washington eat with his false teeth?

George Washington wore false teeth because he didn't have teeth but just a few left. George Washington wasn't also satisfy with his teeth either.

Once you have all your adult teeth out what are the next teeth to grow?

Ummmmm....... FYI Once you lose your adult teeth you need dentures (aka false teeth) you don't get another set of teeth.

What was the first and last name of the first US President with false teeth and what were they made of?

George Washington owned at least one set of false teeth. You used to hear that they were made of wood, but I think they are made of ivory and animal teeth. There used to be a set displayed in the Smithsonian. I think they were stolen but maybe returned.

What effects does cola have on false teeth?

it has no effect on false teeth