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Methadone will block the effects of opiates causing you not to feel them.

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Q: You took methadone for one week now your vicodin is not working why?
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Pass a drug test if you take methadone 1 once ever week?

You can only fail a drug test for methadone if they are testing for methadone. Methadone does not come up as an opiate since there are no opiates in methadone,

Can you take elavil with methadone?

ive been taking the elavils to sleep for the last week along with my methadone, so take em and sleep :)

How come when you quite taking methadone it still came up in a ua 1 week later?

Methadone has a very long half life (it stays in your system for a very long time). Apparently longer than a week :D

What is stronger the Methadone 10mg or Methadone 5mg?

The answer is yes AND no. Yes because it has a much longer half-life than hydrocodone (it lasts much longer and stays in the sytem longer), but also no because hydrocodone has a stronger euphoric effect. You get more of a "high" from hydrocodone than methadone. But to answer your specific question, is not really possible because they are very different and effect people differently. If you have never taken methadone before and do not have a tolerance for opiates, that a methadone 10mg would be stronger and would get you "higher", but for people with more tolerance a vicodin 10mg(which is hydrocodone) would get you more of a "high". Problem is Methadone will stop giving the euphoric effect within a week, while you will get high off 10mg Vicodin's for maybe a month or 2 before building tolerance and needing more.

Will Vicodin help methadone withdrawal?

yeah it more that likely will calm them down a little but withdrawals are hard to deal with. I've gone through withdrawals from oxcycodone hcl 30 and mg methadone helped me with those withdrawals a lot and with my pain and it lasted twice as long as Oxycontin but the only thing is that methadone really messes with your head in the long run

Is impotence a side effect of methadone?

I have read where people have started stuttering after taking some medications. Anything that causes changes in the brain, like a stroke, could cause stuttering. Check the research papers on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation.

Methadone was reduced to 90from 120 how long till im normal?

If your methadone prescription was reduced to 90 mg from 120 mg it will take about a week until you start to feel normal again.

Will 20mg of methadone show in a drug test 3 days later?

Of course it will. But it also depends on how long after you have taken the methadone. If you take the urine screening a week later it may still be in your system and show up on the test, if you take the test 2 weeks later it STILL may show up on the test, if you take the test 3 weeks later it will probably not show up. But be aware that Methadone is a very long-acting opiate and it is stored deep in your muscles and tissue so it can take a while to clear out of your system even though you only took 10mg for 3 days. But it should be out in about a week or 2 depending on your metabolism.

What if you took extra week of birth control pill?

If you took them every day for a week you would delay your period by one week.

Does vicodin show up on DOT drug test?

Yes, Vicodin would show up on a drug test. It is a narcotic opioid pain medicine, and would show up in either a narcotic or opiates drug screen. However, Vicodin is not in your system long, and usually will not show up after a week or so.

What working week is it this week?

July 5 2010 is week 28.

How strong is 10mg of methadone?

It's really strong. Strong enough to knock me on my a**... I have been addicted to vicodins for a yr and decided to quit a week ago. I had some suboxone and methadone set aside for when I decided to quit. I was taking up to 30, 750 watsons a day. Long story short after a 2 days of no vicodins I took a half of suboxin strip (that's all I had) it worked for about a good solid day and half the next day. I waited until the following day to take the methadone because I was still having some withdrawls. Anyways I took half of 10mg pill around 12 waited about 2 hrs didn't feel anything and took the other half. Thats all I was gonna do because there was a chance I still had the suboxone in my system and it probaly was just blocking out the methadone. (That's how a lot of people O.D.) but anyways its 4 and I feel a lot better. Way more high than I ever felt taking vicodins.. even better than if I took 5 vicodin... I won't be taking the other methadone for atleast a whole day or two. point being its very very very strong. Just be super super careful. That sh** can honestly kill you. It can cause your respitory system to fail and you'll stop breathing. I wouldn't take it unless you really really need it.. not preaching just trying to help.