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Birth Control may be related to problems when removing tampons, regarding pain during tampon removal. Hormonal birth control can cause vaginal dryness and increase the risk of yeast infections that could contribute to discomfort when using tampons. Also bare in mind that withdrawal bleeds can be lighter than menstruation so you may need to use a lower absorbency tampon too.

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Q: You recently started birth control and since then it hurts to take out your tampon could the birth control be the reason?
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What do you do when you have started your period?

Put a tampon in or use a pad.

How often should you change you're tampon if your swimming?

Reason: If You Go Any Longer Then That, The Blood From The Tampon Will Get Soggy And Leak Out Into The Pool.

How do you control heavy menstruation?

uhh.. wear a "heavy flow" tampon?

Is it okay to wear a tampon while taking doxycycline?

Yes, you can wear a tampon while taking doxycycline, no matter the reason you're taking it. Even if you are being treated for chlamydia, wearing a tampon will not affect the treatment.

Does a tampon prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg at all?

NO !! of course not ,, think about how it got there to start with, no!!!! the sperm got there first... a tampon would just push it in further. Even if you did for some reason choose to have sex with a tampon in, this will not prevent pregnancy because the tampon would just absorb some of the semen, and it would still be "in there" Good luck trying to find the tampon after having sex with it in.

You know where a tampon goes but you can still see it what do you need to do?

If you can still see the tampon once it's inserted then you've not inserted it far enougj. Remove the tampon and try again later, this time insert higher - it's best to use non-applicator tampon so you have better control over insertion.

Does a tampon make you a non virgin?

No, using a tampon does not affect your virginity. Virginity is commonly defined as never having engaged in sexual intercourse. Using a tampon for menstrual hygiene does not impact your virginity status.

Thought i was on my period so i put a tampon in. but when i was peeing i noticed blood in my pee?

Yes, you have started your period. How old are you?

Why does it hurt when I push my tampon plunger in?

Pushing down on the plunger of the applicator is what pushes the tampon into the vagina.There are many reasons why inserting tampons may hurt including you being too tense when inserting, inserting at the wrong angle, or using too high an absorbency. It would help if you were to use a non-applicator tampon to improve control and feel for resistance to insert the tampon correctly.

Is it possible to get pregnant while you take birth control and are on your period and are wearing a tampon?

If you took the birth control pill correctly and consistently during the prior weeks, you're still protected during the pill free week. If you made an error, you may be at risk for pregnancy even while having withdrawal bleeding.

What is a ploko?

it is a tampon it is a tampon

How do you ask your mum for a tampon without feeling embarassed or nervous?

Well, it is a embarassing thing. I would try and tell yourself that you really wanna know, girls want to feel fresh when they start their periods! Its the same for people who have just started. So, asking is nerve-racking I know, but if you never ask, how will you stay fresh?