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Between me and my older sister I can describe something first for you. If this matches to what you are going through, then may be you can ask for appropriate assistance.

My sister had a condition, where for some reason her nasal passages were physically blocked - not by mucus - but the passage was extremely narrow, where she was not able to breathe through her nose. Also she had a severe buildup in here sinus. A procedure was performed to open up the passage, such that the sinus could drain properly. This was many years ago - over 35 years ago, she is doing good, her sinus drains fine. She has a permanent condition of sinus build up that goes on, but she is not bothered by it (I suppose she OK with it because the sinus drains). She never sought treatment for this chronic sinus condition. No medications helped her - the procedure did.

In my case - I had severe seasonal Allergies - which during the season used to make me miserable, with being stuffed up, scratchy eyes, sneezing, including not being able to breathe through my nose. Over time it became a chronic situation for 30 years, where I was always congested, sinus draining all the time, sometime hard to breathe, etc. until about 6years ago. Medications (pharmaceuticals) never worked.

A Doctor friend of ours suggested a natural item to try - he was confident Ali of this will go away. He told me to take DMG (Di Methyl Glycine) also known as Aangamik Acid (99%pure). You can get this at health supply places, Whole Foods Store, etc. He told me to take two pills under my tongue first thing in the morning, and he told me to take it for at least two years. He told me that I would start clearing up from this by couple of months may little longer, but I need to take it for the long term to have a permanent effect. DMG tastes like Vitamin C - easy to take.

I take this stuff everyday including today. I have not had any allergies now for 5 years. I started getting a lot better by 3 months when I started taking DMG. Approx $20 for 2 months supply.

Anyway your choice, and your research, for substances like will probably solve your problem. I don't think a doctor can prescribe anything for you from the pharmaceutical world that will help you. I hope this helps you look for some alternative solution.

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Q: You haven't been able to breath through my nose for more than a year and my doctor says it's allergies but the meds he has given you have had no effect what might be the problem?
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