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Q: You have severe fits of rage and eveything makes you cry you are taking 02Mg of clonidine 3X 25Mg seroquel am 100Mg pm and 20mg of Prozac Is this a good combination is there something better safe?
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Can clonidine be taken with seroquel?

i guess

What drug is available to help withdrawal symptoms of suboxone?

Gabapentin 400 and clonidine and ibuprofen 800 and Hydrochloride 25 And Seroquel

Would interaction of Seroquel and Clonidine cause false positive for Amphetamines?

Nothing causes a false positive for Amphetamines. The only possibility of something that might would be Sudefed or some derivitive of it, but even then, I doubt it. Those tests are pretty specific.

Can you take your seroquel with a psilosbin?

No. This is a bad combination.

Can you take seroquel if you are high on bath salts?

I suppose that this combination is not recommended.

Your son od on seroquel and valiumn is this something that could take his life?

yes, it could. its never a good idea to mix benzodiazepenes and seroquel.

Can you take seroquel with drixoral plus NyQuil?

Both are very sedating, and Nyquil contains a significant amount of alcohol, which is highly not good in combination with Seroquel.

Can you take seroquel and Celexa together?

well if it helps my phdoc has me on 40 ml celexa and 50ml of seroquel. seems to be a good combination for me i feel okay through the day and sleep well at night. i take celexa in the morning and seroquel at bedtime.

What condition will adderall and seroquel treat when taken together?

ADHA Be careful with that combination That could/will make you very sluggish

What does seroquel show up as in your system?


What schedule is seroquel in?

Seroquel is not a scheduled drug.

How long does it take for seroquel to begin working?

regular seroquel is about an hour and seroquel xr takes about 4hrs