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No- because penicillin inhibits cell wall synthesis and Mycoplasmas don't have a cell wall.

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Q: Would penicillin be very effective against Mycoplasma?
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What group of antibiotics would mycoplasma be resistant to?

Mycoplasma lack cell walls. Therefore, any antibiotic that targets the cell wall of bacteria would be ineffective to mycoplasma. Examples are beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin. Beta-lactam antibiotics target the synthesis of peptidoglycan, an important component of the bacterial cell wall.

What would a doctor give you if you are allergic to penicillin?

Penicillin is a beta-lactam. Although beta-lactam antibiotics are wide-spectrum antibiotics, meaning they can be effective against a wide array of infections, there are other options in cases where it is not possible to administer beta-lactams. This is information I have gathered from other sources below.

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Ghost and Dark moves would be super-effective against a ghost Pokemon.

What would you not use in treating a virus?

Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, only against bacteria. Antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu are effective against most forms of H1N1 and many other flu viruses

How is penicillin removed from the blood?

Penicillin cannot be removed from the blood. You would just need to wait for the penicillin to pass through the system. Be careful if you are allergic to penicillin.

What moves are super effective against kingdra in Pokemon emerald?

See, electric type moves are effective against water Pokemon. Thunder or Thunderbolt are powerful attacks very effective against water Pokemon such as kingdra. ACTUALLY, since Kingdra is a dragon type too, electric type moves are just normally effective. Dragon type is super effective against Kingdra. But then Kingdra would be supereffective against you too!

What are super affective to electric types?

I would use grass, ground or dragon types. Some aren't effective against electric type, but electric isn't very effective against them.

Which antibotic would be most effective in treating throat infection?

It would depend on the source of the infection. That is why we see a doctor and/or have a throat culture taken. If it is not a bacterial infection (virus or yeast) than an antibiotic would not help and treating with antibiotics will delay proper treatment and may allow the infection to progress to a more serious stage. If it is bacterial, penicillin is the usual antibiotic unless the patient has a penicillin allergy or the doctor knows that penicillin is not appropriate for that type of bacteria.

Which new chemicals would be effective against Giardia?

a chemical that inhibits the formation of cell walls

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No, because if they can block lasers with their lightsabers, then they would be able to do the same with bullets

Can you take your dogs penicillin?

i would not try!!!!

A or An WHAT TYPE of DRUG is effective against a wide range of pathogens?

This would be called a broad-spectrum antibiotic.