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Q: Would loss of balance from smoking weed be a physical affect and short term?
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How could the extinction of the red wolf affect the ecological balance?

The way it would affect the ecological balance is whatever eats the red wolf would die and whatever ate that would die and it goes on and on and on

Is laser therapy to stop smoking expensive?

Not terribly, but neither does it work very well. Would that there were an easy way! The various patches seem to be the best balance between tapering off of nicotine and allowing you slowly to overcome the physical habits, like reaching for a cigarette, smoking at particular times, etc.

Does smoking weed affect hair in terms of dying it?

It stays in the fat and hair cells, so it would affect the hair.

How can emotions affect your physical health?

Emotions can affect our physical health. A emotionally strong person would be healthy while weak one would not be healthy.

Would smoking affect urinary tract infection?

Apparently not but it is a major contributor to bladder cancer.

How would an introduction of an Asian carp affect your food web?

The carp would eat plankton, mussels, and plants, which affect the natural balance

Can crack get in your system if you are beside somebody smoking it?

well yes and no. yes because its like second hand smoke and no it will not affect you like it would if you were actually smoking it

Would smoking affect animals?

yes since animals have the same respiratory system as we do. the same thing would happen

Which physical property of rock would you use a triple beam balance to measure?

you would use mass

Can smoking marijuana affect puberty?

There is no evidence to support that. So, the most appropriate answer would be, most likely not.

Does smoking cause epileptic seizure?

Not necessarily. Epilepsy has a wide range of causes. Anything that has a strong affect on the brain can be likely to cause seizures. Smoking hard substances that affect the brain could lead to seizures.

How does ozone layer affect your ecological balance RA?

The ozone layer protects us from UV rays. Without it, there would be no ecological balance.