Alcohol does not turn into urine.
there would be more of it and your urine would be more translucent.
It is urine's specific gravity that measures the kidney's ability to concentrate or dilute urine in relation to plasma.
No, it would show as positive on an ETG urine test
it shows in urine.
urine volume excretion, as the kidneys would excrete more water to maintain balance.
Chronic heavy alcohol consumption can contribute to the development and progression of kidney disease, including kidney failure. Alcohol can lead to dehydration, high blood pressure, and liver damage, all of which can impact kidney function over time. It's important to moderate alcohol intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle to protect kidney health.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urine production. This can lead to more dilute urine, which appears clearer in color. Additionally, alcohol can affect the body's ability to concentrate urine, further contributing to its clarity.
It could be. and lead to urine excretion
It's possible for urine to smell like alcohol if a person drinks too much.
Drinking water can help dilute the alcohol in your urine, potentially reducing the concentration of alcohol detected in a test. However, it does not eliminate alcohol from your system; only time can do that as your body metabolizes the alcohol.
Yes, you can test positive for alcohol on a urine test if you have been drinking. You would have to consume either a large amount 24 hours before, or a small amount right before to test positive.